"Quality of life' is one of the important categories in palliative care for patients in the terminal phase of their illness, usually cancer. The concept of 'quality of life' touches on the vital reality of human life, the problem of suffering and dying. For this reason, it includes a profound moral dimension, the analysis of which, undertaken in the present reflections, will help to improve the care of the sick and, at the same time, to guard against the dangers that flow from an inadequate grasp of this apparently delicate category. To grasp the moral dimension, it is first necessary to understand what 'quality of life' itself is. In doing so, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this concept extends far beyond the area of caring for the seriously ill and the dying. Therefore, in order to understand the concept of 'quality of life' in palliative care and to grasp its moral aspects, it is first necessary to outline the broader perspective of the social life in which the concept arose and in which it functions today. The framing of 'quality of life' on a sociological level will become the starting point for a presentation of how this category is used in medicine and in palliative care.
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Malgorzata-Lipowska- 3/publication/288786760_Quality_of_life_in_chronic_disease_a_feeling_of_stige gmatisation_of_young_women_Quality_of_life_in_chronic_visible_illness_and_the_sense_of
_stigmatization_in_young_women/links/5683ac5c08ae1e63f1f1b5ea/quality-of-life-w-. chronic-visible-disease-a-feeling-stigmatisation-young-women-Quality-of-life- in-chronic-visible-illness-and-the-sense-of-stigmatization-in-young-women.pdf