This paper is an attempt to synthesise the basic issues from both public health and law, medicine and ethics on issues related to e-medicine. This paper aims to analyse what exactly telemedicine is and how it links to e-health. In addition, a historical outline is included, starting with the origin of telemedicine in the world, through examples of its use in other European countries and ending with a description of the beginning of its development in Poland. This article also contains data concerning the introduction of solutions related to it in the field of medicine, as well as its evaluation by people using this form of health services, mainly patients and their families. Furthermore, it is shown what benefits, among others in financial terms, the use of telemedicine technology brings. The article also covers the ethical aspect and the doctor's responsibility for this kind of consultation by answering questions concerning the threats that telemedicine poses and examples of its functioning in the medical world in Poland as well as in other countries. The legal issue is also presented, the norms which concern it and which have been introduced in Poland in recent years. Finally, the authors, summarising all the collected material and on the basis of the information they have, tried to answer the question, whether the use of telemedicine and e-health issues has a future and a chance for development in Poland. 46.html